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At the Decolonial Centre, our passionate and dedicated team is committed to empowering progressive-minded individuals like you in our collective journey towards anti-colonialism, decoloniality, and decolonization. Together, we challenge and dismantle colonial thought, practice, and power structures to create a more just and equitable world.

Mohammed Elnaiem is our Director. He is an activist, and is also working on a Ph.D. in Sociology at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, where he is writing a dissertation on the relationship between capitalism, colonialism and patriarchy. 


Gabriela (she/ella/ela), is our partnerships lead. She has a deep understanding of mining conflicts and is a researcher who works with Amazon Watch in Brazil.

Partnerships Lead

Yasmin Carpenter is our Encyclopaedia lead. Yasmine has an International Relations degree from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ),is a co-founder of the Decolonial Collective in Brazil, and an editor for Post68 magazine. 

Encyclopaedia Lead

Mamadou Abozeid, our visionary Digital Content Lead, has a remarkable 15-year track record in media production. 

Digital Content Lead


Eve, our Media Wizz,  coordinates activities and projects at the Pluto Educational Trust and is the Journals Manager of 21 social science journals at Pluto Journals.

Communications officer

Advisory Board

Prof Beatriz Bissio is a Journalist, Historian and Political Scientist, born in Uruguay and a naturalised Brazilian. She is Head of the Department of Political Science at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and a Member of the World Public Forum (WPF) Community- “Dialogue of Civilisations”.

In 2015, Prof Beatriz Bissio was awarded the Abreu e Lima Medal by the Foundation “House of Latin America in Brazil” (Casa da América Latina). The Abreu e Lima Medal is granted to public figures and institutions that have contributed to the integration of Latin America and the Caribbean- strengthening the solidarity amongst their peoples.

In 1974 , in Argentina , Prof Beatriz Bissio, Neiva Moreira and political scientist Pablo Piacentini , founded the magazine Third World books that circulated until 2005.

Throughout her career as a journalist, Prof Beatriz Bissio has interviewed international personalities such as: Fidel Castro, Yasser Arafat, Nelson Mandela, Agostingo Neto and Samora Machel.

Bill Fletcher Jr has been an activist since his teen years. Upon graduating from college he went to work as a welder in a shipyard, thereby entering the labor movement. Over the years he has been active in workplace and community struggles as well as electoral campaigns. He has worked for several labor unions in addition to serving as a senior staffperson in the national AFL-CIO.

Fletcher is an internationalist with many links with the anti-colonial movement in Britain. Fletcher is the former president of TransAfrica Forum; a Senior Scholar with the Institute for Policy Studies; and in the leadership of several other projects. Fletcher is the co-author (with Peter Agard) of “The Indispensable Ally: Black Workers and the Formation of the Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1934-1941”; the co-author (with Dr. Fernando Gapasin) of “Solidarity Divided: The crisis in organized labor and a new path toward social justice“; and the author of “‘They’re Bankrupting Us’ – And Twenty other myths about unions.” Fletcher is a syndicated columnist and a regular media commentator on television, radio and the Web.

born in 1977, Charles is a writer, philosopher, and educator. He has been involved in the field of social activism since 1992 and is a member of the Movement for Popular Sovereignty in Mining – MAM. He writes poetry and political texts on Brazil’s colonial history, the labour movement, Brazil’s international positioning, and ecological aspects.


Gyssele is a feminist and lesbian journalist, who graduated in Media Studies and has Master’s degree in Communication, from Fluminense Federal University. She lives in Rio de Janeiro and is currently the Executive Coordinator of Intervozes – Coletivo Brasil de Comunicação Social, a Brazilian organization that fights for the human right to communication.

Encyclopaedia Steering Committee


As a team, we are united by our shared commitment to challenge colonialism and work towards decolonial transformation. Join us as we amplify diverse voices, foster critical dialogue, and build a decolonised future.

decolonial centre | Pluto Educational Trust | 2025

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